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Found 1202 results for any of the keywords cardinal rules. Time 0.011 seconds.
8 Cardinal Rules ACMAFThe following are the Cardinal Rules of Shyun Style Eight Step Preying Mantis Kung Fu. These points directly relate to Fighting and the Martial Arts application of Preying Mantis Kung Fu, but also have meaning in a spiri
School Etiquette ACMAFRespect Discipline
10 Body Coordinations ACMAFThe 10 Body Coordinations are now available in both Video and Book format!
ACMAFBy Shifu Jenny Hsiao-Nakamoto 20 Years. Boom. Done. We began this year’s National Meeting in Vermillion, South Dakota by celebrating our 20th anniversary! Master Kevin Loftus, our gracious host, presented Grandmaster wit
ACMAF American-Chinese Martial Arts FederationMore posts
History ACMAFThe fight was set. Wang Lang and his opponent of the famous Shaolin Temple were face to face. Wang Lang fought hard and with great swiftness but was defeated, for the abilities of the monk were far superior. There was mu
8 Step Kung Fu ACMAFThe advanced techniques mimic the preying mantis ability to draw in its opponent and strike with devastating power. Add to that efficient and deceptive footwork, joint locks, throwing techniques, and internal energy wor
Curriculum Overview ACMAFThe Shyun Style Eight Step Preying Mantis System is organized in a step by step manner in which students learn the same material no matter which school they attend. This is very different from the way traditional martial
FAQ s ACMAFQ: What exactly is Kung Fu anyway? A: Kung fu, also spelled gung fu, is a generic term for martial arts originating in China. A direct translation of the term would be hard work or effort . Eight Step Praying Mant
Shyun Style Tai Chi Chuan ACMAFTai Chi Chuan is most often referred to as an internal martial art, indicating the emphasis is placed on strengthening the mind, circulating the Chi or vitality, and relaxing the body so that it is free to move. Tai Chi
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